About Life Lease
The Life Lease Option for Independent-Living Seniors (50 plus)
Making the right decision
Moving to an apartment complex can be a big decision, especially for those who have lived most of their lives in their own home. The reality is that as people get older, they are sometimes less able or willing to maintain their house and property, and to take care of paying all the expenses and bills.
Life lease housing for independent-living is becoming more popular for those who want to live a more care-free lifestyle.
It offers fellowship in community and interaction with others who share similar values and experiences. Live independently and stay active, without the burdens of looking after your own house and yard, and the related costs and bills.
Life lease in Polish Heritage Manor (PHM)
We offer several flexible and affordable life lease options. We will work with you to find the financing options that best meet your goals, lifestyle and budget.
When you buy a full life lease in PHM, your rent is covered for the entire time you live there; you only pay additional monthly operating costs. The life lease gives you the right to occupy your unit for as long as you are able to live independently in PHM. And if you ever decide to give up your suite in PHM, your entire life lease payment will be returned to you less an administrative fee, which is currently 5% of the investment.
In this way, the life lease payment may be viewed as a loan to the Polish Heritage Society of Edmonton (PHSE) that matches the equity value of the suite chosen by you, the life lease buyer. It is also through the life lease arrangement that PHSE, a non-profit organization, is able to offer you a housing option with community cultural, social and spiritual amenities in a well built and professionally designed apartment complex, all at competitively-priced units.
Monthly operating costs
The costs to operate and maintain PHM will be covered by affordable monthly fees that residents would pay based on their suite size. The monthly fees will cover costs such as:
property taxes
utilities (heat, electricity, water, sewer, garbage removal)
building and common area maintenance
building insurance