Our community & heritage
We know that persistence, sacrifice, courage and hard work are needed to build something worth having.
Polish settlers who arrived in Alberta more than 120 years ago also knew that. And despite the hardships they and their families endured over the decades that followed, they persevered and prevailed. This is part of our proud history and tradition.
Building was a big part of that history. A church was often the first building that Polish settlers built, even if they settled in isolated rural hamlets and villages across the province. Building community was always important.
Today, with a population of 68,000 residents of Polish heritage in our city (and close to 175,000 residents of Polish heritage across Alberta) our community is relatively small but vibrant. Many have lived here for generations; others are more recent immigrants to Canada. We have a rich heritage of good food, fellowship, faith, arts and culture, dance and music, and love of family.
Caring for our seniors comes naturally. We will continue in our ancestors’ footsteps to build something good, and celebrate in the heritage and culture we share.