Our Website Privacy Policy
The Polish Heritage Society of Edmonton (PHSE) has adopted a privacy policy that respects the confidential nature of business relationships between our non-profit organization and any buyers or prospective buyers of housing units offered by PHSE, or of visitors to our website. To this end, we strive to maintain standards that protect the personal privacy of individuals who deal with us or contact us through this website or other forms of communications in the course of doing business or sharing information.
Personal information that may be collected, for business purposes or indirectly through the regular exchanges between PHSE and individuals, will be kept private. That includes individuals’ names, ages, dates of birth, or any other information of a personal nature that may be provided and identified with individuals.
Information that visitors share with us will be used for business or communications purposes only. When you provide personal information, you are consenting to our collection of that information for business or communications purposes. Such purposes may include, for example:
Communicating with you in the normal course of doing business, or of extending courtesy, e.g., by providing updates or responding to your inquiries
Collecting personal information required to enter into an agreement
Collecting information indicating how we may reach you to provide information, updates, news about our projects, etc.
Helping us to improve our communications with you by your suggestions, or as indicated by the volume of visitor traffic to our website
Keeping business records as required by law or other regulatory or financial requirements